Data Management and Visualisation Week-1 Assignment

Aanshi Patwari
3 min readAug 25, 2020


Hello guys, I am writing this blog as a part of the week-1 assignment for the coursera course named Data Management and Visualisation. The assignments are about writing one blog for each week presenting your research work done within the week.

So, in the week-1 the assignment is about choosing the dataset , identifying the variables and defining the research question.For choosing the dataset the course provides us different datasets and also gives us the freedom to choose any other dataset also.

1)Step 1: Choose a data set that you would like to work with.

After having a look at all the datasets, I saw that the Nesarc dataset was related to topics with the nicotine, smoking and other such habits among the youth and adults. AddHealth dataset consisted of various health issues among the high school children due to certain factors. Gapminder dataset contained information regarding wealth and development of few countries. MarsCrater dataset was about the craters’ characteristics’ information.So, I decided to work on the MarsCrater dataset.

2)Step 2: Identify a specific topic of interest

After looking at all the variables, I decided to look into further details about the relation between the latitude and the longitude of the craters which are spread across the planet.

3)Step 3: Prepare a codebook of your own

Taking the variables from the codebook, the variables of my topic of interest are LATITUDE_CIRCLE_IMAGE and LONGITUDE_CIRCLE_IMAGE corresponding to the latitude and the longitude of the crater.

4)Step 4: Identify a second topic that you would like to explore in terms of its association with your original topic.

Next I decided to look if there is any kind of relation between the latitude and longitude with the morphology ejecta of the crater. The morphology ejecta can be different of one crater from the another and can be the similar too.

5)Step 5: Add questions/items/variables documenting this second topic to your personal codebook.

Taking the variables from the codebook, the variable of my interest is MORPHOLOGY_EJECTA_1 which is one of the types of morphology variable among the three of them.


→Is there a relation between the latitude and the longitude of the craters?

→Is there a relation between the morphology ejecta and the latitude and longitude of the crater?

6)Step 6: Perform a literature review to see what research has been previously done on this topic

After searching for the above questions I got to know that there is a relation between the latitude and the longitude of the craters.The papers suggested that at certain locations across the planet there is more possibility of finding the craters rather than the other.

Also there a kind of relation between the morphology ejecta and the location of the crater. At a certain place of crater a certain morphology is found whereas at another location different morphology is found out.

7)Step 7: Based on your literature review, develop a hypothesis about what you believe the association might be between these topics. Be sure to integrate the specific variables you selected into the hypothesis.

After viewing some of the papers, I concluded that:

→There seems to be a direct relation between the latitude and the longitude of the crater.

→There is also a relation between the morphology and the location of the crater.



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