Data Management and Visualisation Week-4 Assignment

Aanshi Patwari
3 min readSep 27, 2020


Hello guys, I am writing this blog as a part of the week-4 assignment for the coursera course named Data Management and Visualisation. The assignments are about writing one blog for each week presenting your research work done within the week.

So, in week-4 the assignment is about running the program in the python(spyder IDE) and displaying all the variables which were chosen in the week-1 assignment. This assignment is for providing a visual representation about the variables for better understanding about the variables and the values taken by them. In this assignment, we also have to show how two or more variables are related.

As I have chosen LONGITUDE_CIRCLE_IMAGE, LATITUDE_CIRCLE_IMAGE and MORPHOLOGY_EJECTA_1 as my three variables for the research. Hereby, is the output for those variables in the form of graphs.

1)STEP 1: Create graphs of your variables one at a time (univariate graphs).

Graph 1:

This graph displays the number of craters found corresponding to a given latitude. From this graph it can be shown that the count of craters in the northern hemisphere is more compared to that of the southern hemisphere.

Graph 2:

This graph shows the number of craters found corresponding to a given longitude. From this graph it can be shown that the craters are uniformly distributed across the 40–180 degree longitude and maximum count is across the 0 degree longitude.

Graph 3:

This graph displays the number of craters corresponding to the given type of crater. The crater types which had less than 10 craters of the same type were discarded as they are equivalent to negligible.From this graph it can be shown that the Rd type of craters are maximum.

2)STEP 2: Create a graph showing the association between your explanatory and response variables (bivariate graph).

These graphs are for displaying the relation among the variables chosen.

Graph 1:

This graph displays the relation between the longitude and the latitude of the mars surface. It shows a pink mark corresponding to a pair of latitude and longitude where one or more craters are found.

Graph 2:

This graph or the plot shows the relation of the morphologies of the craters along with the latitude and the longitude of the area. For a given pair of latitude and longitude it displays which type of crater(morphology of crater) is found in that area.



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